


有这么多深入的教程可在点击一个按钮, conquering home improvement with your own two hands feels more doable than ever.

A do-it yourself或D.I.Y. project is when you do physical task with limited-to-no experience and without direct help from an expert. There are a medley of reasons why so many choose to handle projects with their own two hands.



聘请专家的成本总是更高. After all, you're not just paying for the work; you're paying for time, tools and experience. 自己处理一个项目并不总是很便宜, but considering how much it costs just to have a contractor pull into your driveway, 你还在省钱.


Since time is money, a subcontractor may cut corners to finish the project quicker. 如果这是你关心的问题, 自己动手可以让你对工作的质量放心.




不幸的是, there is also plenty of downside to spearheading repair and improvement projects on your own. 


当你在工作中学习时,总会有一定程度的猜测. 大多数专业人士都经历过这一切, and 将 know their way around your kitchen or bathroom like they grew up there. 专业人士很贵是有原因的. 他们不想回来更换零件, 所以他们使用高质量的材料,第一次就做对了.


如果DIY成为你的策略,它会消耗你的空闲时间. Without proper research and preparation, a one-day project can quickly become a month-long headache. When your hire a contractor, you can expect the job to be done fast and well.


有时候很难意识到 看起来 容易. There are boundless opportunities to harm your house, or yourself, with every little project. 有些错误最终会花费更多的时间、金钱和混乱. 

帮你权衡利弊, here's a breakdown of various home improvement projects to help you make an informed decision about whether you're ready to commit to the do-it-all life, 或者花钱请专家帮你做.



审美的提升,比如绘画, 贴壁纸, wood staining and replacing hardware on existing furniture are a ty图片al starting point for DIY'ers. 


最常见的DIY项目是 绘画. 粉刷房屋是一种成人仪式,但它需要耐心. 你的第一次油漆工作可能会很粗糙, 所以如果你想自己做这个, make sure to keep your cool and remember that you can always fix your mistakes. If you're really worried about it, trying practicing on something expendable beforehand.


更换家具上的把手和把手非常容易. 但更换橱柜和台面需要更多的技巧. There's a reason kitchen remodeling is one of the most expensive things you can do to your house. While it might seem simple on YouTube, kitchen renovations are not recommended for novice DIY'ers.


很像油漆, 沿着地板修剪和装饰, 天花板和门可以为单调的房间注入新的活力. 问题来了. 安装装饰和成型很容易,但是 切割 事实并非如此. 在一块修剪上实现直角切割需要 至少 一个人字锯(价格在250- 600美元之间)和大量的试验和错误. 在这种情况下雇佣专业人士并不可耻.

更换一扇门在概念上比执行起来容易. Many unforeseen problems can arise when installing doors due to improper framing, 底板错位, 甚至不平整的地板和墙壁. If you value your sanity, it's usually worth hiring an expert to install doors for you.




Indoor plumbing is a modern convenience that you simply cannot live without. 好消息是,大多数管道问题很容易解决.

堵塞下水道? 运行$3 毛发 把你的排水管倒下去,你就成了黄金.

马桶堵塞? 跑14美元 厕所里钻 下了管子,你就完成了.

互联网是一个很好的管道导师. 在YouTube视频的指导下, 几乎任何人都能疏通管道, 修理一个小的水龙头漏水或换一个淋浴头. Just make sure you know where the shut-off valve is for your water supply, in case of emergency.

For major or complex projects, the cons far outweigh the benefits of doing it yourself. If you think you may have a clog in your main sewer line, you should call a plumbing professional.

如果这是一个简单的修复,那就大胆尝试吧. 但如果在任何时候你感到力不胜任,暂停你正在做的事情. 管道事故可能会成为一个可怕而昂贵的场景.



DIY电气工作对许多房主来说是有意义的. 更换插座等项目, 安装新灯具, installing a Ring Doorbell or changing your light switch plates are 容易 tasks that can be accomplished by any regular Joe.


玩电的时候,宁可安全,不要后悔. If you're considering rewiring your home on your own, maybe give it some second thoughts. A licensed electrician can pull the proper permits and do the job in a way that doesn't put you and your family at risk.



Installing your own floors is a labor intensive project that requires a lot of research and planning beforehand. Laying floors may seem as 容易 as laying puzzle pieces, but it's a bit more involved than that. 有相当多的准备工作, 如果你想把事情做好, 你必须确保地板平整并密封好.

这并不是说不可能. 人们每天都自己动手做地板. 只要知道当你遇到问题时(你可能会) run into problems), it can bring your work to a stand still if you don't know what you're doing.

People also tend to underestimate how physically demanding tile and flooring work can be. It's brutal on your knees and back, and 将 definitely leave you feeling sore. When fatigue sets in, it'll be tempting to cut corners to get the job done. 克制冲动! Take a break, regroup and come back when you're ready to give it max effort.

Whether you're handling it yourself or hiring a team, redoing your floors costs a pretty penny. 你不妨多花点钱,确保它做得对.




这里风险太大了. 是的,自己做屋顶工作可以省下一大笔钱. But it's also backbreaking work that requires strength, dexterity and skill. Anything less and you could end up seriously damaging your house or yourself.

独自一人在屋顶上翻滚最糟糕的是你不能磨蹭. You have to be efficient and finish the work quickly to avoid prolonged exposure of the elements to your unfinished roof. 如果你有钱的话, it's absolutely worth bringing in a team who knows what they're doing and can do the job quickly.

那沥青应该能堵住泄漏. Its a shame you put the roof vent back in upside down letting the rainwater roll right in. # diy #失败. 图片.推特.com/L5TYXmSL6b

-蓝猫头鹰检查(@blueowlinspects) 2016年10月28日





If this isn’t your first time doing a project like this, you can probably handle it now. 如果这是你第一次尝试这种项目, 你也许还能做到, 只要你准备好了额外的工作,并集中精力.


认真地问自己,“我是不是贪多嚼不烂??“每个家庭都有需要关注和/或需要修理的东西. 这就是水管工、电工和屋顶工存在的原因. 而不是从头开始学习一项新技能, reach out to a professional and see how much it would cost to bring in an expert. 如果你手头没有现金,a 个人贷款 能否帮助您快速轻松地为项目融资. 


最好是做好准备,以防在项目中途遇到麻烦. 快拨那个承包商朋友的电话.


避免处理涉及穿墙的项目, as you run the risk of 切割 through engineered lumber and trusses that bear the weight of your home. 如果你的项目属于这一类, 让专业人士做这项工作,或者在开始之前向他们寻求指导.


在开始你的DIY项目之前, 估计一下你需要多少物资和工具, 以及你期望花多少时间. 你可能会发现DIY路线并不像你想象的那么理想.


不要拿自己的安全冒险,以免支付专业的价格. 你知道还有什么很贵吗? 医疗费用!

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